Monday, October 22, 2012

Drunkard's Epiphany Video

We posted the video for Drunkard's last night, here it is: Sometimes in our darkest hour, we're faced with the choice of reaching out for help or becoming our own worst enemy. The protagonist in this song is one of those guys who manages to do both at the same time. That's our friend Ferd from the Hackensaw Boys as our man of mystery, along with a few other local/Colorado friends. A lot of the people looking slightly perturbed are probably actually perturbed, as they were strangers and we were disrupting their evening beverage. Our luminous, singing 'angels' really are the ladies who sang the harmonies on Drunkard's on Tilting, Laniece and Thalia from Mama Lenny and the Remedy. Taking an about-face from the styles of the Another Road and Construction Man videos, our director Tomas went for a sort of film-noir style that I think really captured the mood of the song. After the "bouncer" threw me out, when we were filming the alley shots, two policemen came by after hearing that a guy was passed out in an alley and people were taking pictures. How's that for darkly humorous? Enjoy. (The link for sharing the YouTube video directly from Facebook or email is... ).